Arquivo | Setembro, 2008

… Back To Reality

30 Set


Desiludido Foi bom enquanto durou… Anjo


It’s A plan

30 Set


If I was a man
Just for a day
I’d take my
time on you
That’s what a
man would do

If I was a man
Just for a day
And once I had my way
I’d get up,
get up and
walk away!

Uhh, Monday night
Tuesday night
Friday night
Every night
Cause I can.

New York and Japan
Put the stuff
up in the land
After All
I’m a man

I’ll Get to know
your family

Get Yo friends to fall
in love with me
Just happens all so easily

I’ll have you think
that I’m the one
You play the part
I play along
We can have
a lot of fun
Until I’m done .

I can lie and hide
and fool your heart

If I was a man
For a day if
I was a man

Paint it out
like a work of art
If I was a man
For a day if
I was a man

I turn it on
Turn it off
Tuturn out
Turn it up
Cause I can.

It’s no sweat
Give the check
Show respect
Don’t forget
you’re paying later
That’s the plan.



To the pants.

29 Set


Wasn’t It Obvious

27 Set


Michael & Sara - Prison Break


23 Set


(Filme ‘The Ten’)


1. As pessoas são ilógicas, nada razoáveis e egocêntricas. Amemo-las, mesmo assim.

2. Se fizermos o bem, poderemos causar motivações egoístas. Façamos o bem, mesmo assim.

3. Se formos bem-sucedidos, ganharemos falsos amigos e verdadeiros inimigos. Sejamos bem-sucedidos, mesmo assim.

4. O bem que fizermos hoje será esquecido amanhã. Façamos o bem, mesmo assim.

5. A honestidade e a fraqueza tornam-nos vulneráveis. Sejamos francos e honestos, mesmo assim.

6. Os grandes homens e as grandes mulheres, com as melhores ideias, podem ser derrubados pelos mais pequenos, com as perspectivas de vida mais mesquinhas. Sejamos ambiciosos, mesmo assim.

7. As pessoas protegem os oprimidos, mas apenas seguem os poderosos. Lutemos pelos orpimidos, mesmo assim.

8. Aquilo que levámos anos a construir pode ser destruído numa única noite. Continuemos a construir, mesmo assim.

9. As pessoas talvez precisem realmente de ajuda, mas poderão voltar-se contra nós se as ajudarmos. Ajudemo-las, mesmo assim.

10. Demos ao mundo o nosso melhor, e haverá pessoas que nos desejarão mal. Dêmos ao mundo o nosso melhor, mesmo assim.




22 Set


Wear your eyes as dark as night
Paint your face with what you like
Wear your love like it is made of hate
Born to destroy and born to create

Now baby, what’ve you done to your hair?
Is it just the same time of year
When you think that you don’t really care?
Now baby, what have you done?
Done to your hair, done to your hair, done to your hair, done to your hair, hair!

So when you hear this autumn song
Clear your heads and get ready to run
So when you hear this autumn song
Remember the best times are yet to come

Now baby, what’ve you done to your hair?
Is it just the same time of year
When you think that you don’t really care?
Now baby, what have you done to your hair?

Wear your eyes as dark as night
Paint your face with what you like
Wear your love like it is made of hate
Born to destroy: born to create, born to create, born to create, born to create

So when you hear this autumn song
Clear your heads and get ready to run
So when you hear this autumn song
Remember the best times are yet to come

And wear your hair in bunches
And your jacket loose
So when you hear this autumn song
Clear your heads and get ready to run

So when you hear this autumn song
Clear your heads and get ready to run
So when you hear this autumn song
Remember the best times are yet to come


That way Mister!

22 Set